A Semi Automatic Rifle.
Identifier: -904863145
Short name: rifle.semiauto
Stack Size: 1
Despawn time: 40 min
Attachment slot: 4
Draw: 1.15 sec
Damage: 40
Reload: 4.4 sec
Aim Cone: 0.25°
Capacity: 16
Rate of Fire: 343
Aborigene's SAR
Abyss SAR
Alexby SAR
Anarchist SAR
Anthric SAR
Arctic Skull SAR
Armageddon SAR
Army SAR
Atomic SAR
Auron Semi-Automatic Rifle
Aztec SAR
Azul Sar
Bamboo SAR
Bandito SAR
Banger SAR
bchillz SAR
Beach Day SAR
Berserker SAR
Bird of Luck SAR
Black Gold SAR
Blackout SAR
Blackstone SAR
Blood Dragon Rifle
Blooprint SAR
Bombshell SAR
Brainstorm SAR
Bullseye SAR
Bunny Blaster
Buzzard SAR
Candyman SAR
Carrot Blaster SAR
Caution SAR
Chameleon SAR
Charitable Rust 2022 SAR
Charitable Rust 2024 SAR
Chemical Burn SAR
Cobalt SAR
Cold Hunter SAR
Coma SAR
Comics SAR
Commando SAR
Cyber Code SAR
Deep Sea SAR
Desert Raiders SAR
Diesel SAR
Doodle SAR
Dragon SAR
Drake SAR
Elite Crate SAR
etoleto SAR
Evil Snowman SAR
Fire Starter SAR
Forgotten Warfare SAR
Freedom SAR
Geartooth SAR
Ghost Halloween SAR
Gingerbread SAR
Glister SAR
Glory SAR
Gold Phoenix SAR
Gore SAR
Green Snakebite SAR
Gunsmith SAR
Hazard Semi Auto Rifle
Heater SAR
Hellcat SAR
Heritage SAR
Hero's SAR
hJune SAR
Hot Rod SAR
iRiskpvp SAR
Iron Wolf SAR
Jungle SAR
Junkernaught SAR
Krolay SAR
Light Prism SAR
Lightweight SAR
Low Poly SAR
Lucky No.8 SAR
Lunar SAR
Meridian SAR
Metalhead SAR
Military SAR
Mojave SAR
Monument Memories SAR
Neo Soul SAR
Nightmare SAR
Nightwatch SAR
NmpLol x Misterarther SAR
No Mercy SAR
Northwind SAR
Panpots & IsVolcano SAR
Payback SAR
Pharaoh SAR
Pirate SAR
Pixel SAR
Porcelain SAR
Poseidon SAR
Primal SAR
Prototype 7164 SAR
Pumpkin Exhibition SAR
Quarantine SAR
Rainbow Pony SAR
Recycler SAR
Redemption SAR
Retrowave SAR
Ronin SAR
Royal Safari SAR
Royal SAR
Ruin SAR
Saboteur Rifle
SAR from Hell
SAR Scarecrow
Scrapper SAR
Sea Eater SAR
Serpent's Bite SAR
Skullforce SAR
Skullkiller SAR
Slime Monster SAR
Snakebite SAR
Snowflake SAR
Snowman Surprise SAR
Snowy SAR
Soul Eater SAR
Soulburn SAR
Soulkeeper SAR
Starry Dream SAR
Sublime SAR
Submarine SAR
Suzy-Q SAR
Tactical SAR
Tank Armor SAR
Tempered SAR
TheGrefg SAR
Thundergold SAR
Tier 3 SAR
Tiki SAR
To Hell And Back
Toxic Wolf SAR
Training SAR
TrakasSinN SAR
Tribalized SAR
Twitch Rivals SAR
Urban Light SAR
Veteran SAR
Warbeast SAR
Wasteland SAR
Windwalker SAR
Wooden SAR
Workbench SAR
Year of the Tiger SAR
Zombie SAR