A High powered, highly accurate, long range rifle.
Identifier: 1588298435
Short name: rifle.bolt
Stack Size: 1
Despawn time: 60 min
Attachment slot: 3
Draw: 1 sec
Damage: 80
Reload: 5 sec
Aim Cone: 0°
Capacity: 4
Rate of Fire: 35
Alpha Bolt Rifle
Apocalyptic Knight Rifle
Army Bolt Rifle
Azul Bolt Rifle
Beauty Kills
Blackout BAR
Bolt From Hell
Caution Bolt Rifle
Cel Bolt Rifle
Chameleon Bolt Rifle
Cold Hunter BAR
Deadly Rose BAR
Ghost Bolt Rifle
Glory BAR
Glory Rifle
Granny's Bolt
Great War Service Rifle
Hunter's Bolt
Junkernaught BAR
No Mercy Bolt Rifle
Polymer BAR
Poseidon Bolt Rifle
Posty BAR
Redemption BAR
Ricoy Boltie
Rustpunk Rifle
Sandwar BAR
Shark Rifle
Silithur BAR
Smuggler's BAR
Steel and Brass BAR
Survivor BAR
Tempered BAR
Tundra Bolt Rifle